Written Histories

Through the years, numerous facets of Trinity High School have found their way into print or other media. We are pleased to offer some of them here.
We extend many thanks to Mr. Bob Pfaadt ’59, who took on the challenge of capturing Trinity’s rich history. His work on the history of the school is found in the first five chapters shown below, covering the years 1953-1999. A sixth chapter was written by several contributors and covers the years 2000-2019.
Dawn of the New Century (2000-2019)
COMMUNITY OF FAITH by Ms. Mary Emrich H’09
Trinity’s Campus Ministry department has always offered programs and resources that support and further Trinity’s mission to form men of faith and men of character, and in the last 20 years, those have grown and adapted with the evolving culture of our community.
Strategic Planning and the Coming of President/Principal Model (1990-99)
With the expansion of building and grounds moving along, one of the proudest moments for Trinity at the beginning of the decade was being recognized as a national Blue Ribbon School of Excellence in 1991. This award, presented by the U. S. Department of Education “identified and gave public recognition to outstanding public and private schools.”
Expanding Campus and Lay Administration (1980 - 89)
As the new decade began, the Rev. Joseph McGee, the Superintendent for Catholic High Schools, called for more lay leadership within the secondary schools in the Archdiocese. Fr. Duerr, after discussing the idea with many successful alumni from the 50s and 60s, proposed that Trinity consider having a School Board. John Brenzel recalled asking Fr. Duerr if the Board would have the power to fire the principal. When he answered in the affirmative, Brenzel replied, “Fine, because I don’t want to jack around with something that is just for show.”
Stabilizing Years (1970 - 79)
Finances were always paramount as the school was primarily tuition-driven. Expenses were rising as more lay teachers were hired to meet the growing enrollment and no priests were being assigned by the Archdiocese to teach. It was obvious something needed to be done.
A Decade of Change (1960 - 69)
Dr. Philip Morrow ’64 said that his “two favorite teachers were Fr. Duerr and Fr. Allen. “I remember fondly working with them on the biology projects. These two priests really influenced me to pursue a medical career.”
The Early Years (1953 - 59)
“We thank God for Trinity. It was started when it was badly needed.” – Bishop Charles Maloney